Sun Probe
Here are the Canon Foundry facts about Sun Probe, which was featured in the episode of the same name, all taken from Thunderbirds FAB Cross-Sections by Graham Bleathman, Carlton Books (2000) ISBN 1 84222 091 8:
Length: 363 feet
Weight: 2,580 tons
Launch Thrust: 20 million pounds
Total Delta Velocity: 30 miles per second
Standard acceleration: 1 g
Maximum acceleration attained: 2 g
Emergency acceleration: 5 g
1 Rosenthal-Hodge Dynamics sustainer rocket
3 Rosental-Hodge Dynamics secondary rockets
4 retro rockets
16 attitude thrusters
Fuel: Toxerlene
Ion Drive: 24 Amalgamated Atomics Inc. TE-14 thrust modules
Other Information
- Able to reach solar orbit from Earth in one week
- Detachable nose-cone probe capable of collecting particles from a solar prominance
- A computer interface links the solar probe’s control systems with the mother ship
- Has a forcefield generator to help protect it from the heat of the sun
- Has a heat-resistant outer hull constructed from cahelium and ceramic additives
- Contains a remote camera powered by mini-thrusters, which sends TV pictures via an on-board communications system, of the Sun Probe in action; this includes both launch and docking procedures